October 1, 2021

September 2021 Newsletter

September 2021 Newsletter

Dear Supporter,

Welcome back to Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation's monthly newsletter containing the latest news, updates, and insights into our work.

The organisation’s chairman and founder Dr Mariwan Baker participated in the AidEx East Africa Webinar Series where, as a panellist, he tackled the subject of the various priorities and courses of action that governments, NGOs and local communities need to undertake to build resilient livelihoods in light of the post-Covid era. The ability to cooperate through global movements is essential for civil societies in keeping governments accountable regarding the negative consequences of humanitarian crises.

We at Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation are a work in progress and our teams on the ground continuously strive to assess the needs of refugees and IDPs. One way to do this is by being mindful of the multiple ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting them differently. Therefore, we strive our best to establish new avenues of assistance and gather information on what humanitarian aid items are currently needed the most and make it our priority to deliver said items.

On a final note, everything we do is towards the aim of preserving and restoring dignity. A strong network and collaborations are crucial to support and fulfil this vision. Therefore, we are more than happy to thank all our old and new subscribers for coming on this journey with us. Together, we can bring hope!


Partnership for the goals

Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation inaugurated new partnership agreements with the United Nations Peacekeepers, known as Soldiers for Peace (http://www.aisp.fr/) and the Geneva Diplomatic Circle (www.cdge.org), collaborations which will enable us to support even more strongly people in conflict and post-conflict zones.

Our team in Dubai in the spotlight

Our business development and partnership team in the UAE is working on expanding our international collaboration partner network to increase the capacity and reach of our humanitarian aid activities aiming to improve the lives of marginalised groups such as women, youth and persons with disabilities in the camps where our activities take place. Here is the latest scoop on the most recent work and contributions of our team located in Dubai:

Providing visibility to disability-related issues in refugee camps

In the spirit of diversity and intersectionality, we have developed a new working thematic by discussing possible areas of collaboration with Zayed Higher Organization (ZHO) to facilitate the social inclusion and accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities in the refugee camps in the Kurdistan region.

Expanding our work with youth in Yemen

BHHF tied a partnership with NAHD Developmental Foundation (NDF) by signing a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to facilitate safe delivery and distribution of humanitarian aid (such as hygiene items and medicines) to vulnerable groups including children, and underprivileged communities in Yemen.

Health promotion programmes for women in the Kurdistan refugee camp

We at Bring Hope believe that health should be a fundamental right therefore we are committed through our projects to facilitate access to health for refugees and IDPs. We are happy to announce that this month we established a positive relationship with an organisation called Friends of Cancer Patients (FOCP) who introduced us to their “Pink Caravan” - a mobile clinic that is being used in the UAE to provide free breast cancer screening services for women. Our UAE teams has already set the wheels in motion for getting a mobile health clinic in Iraqi Kurdistan to improve the health of women in the camps.

Distributions and Events

BHHF carried out the distribution of school essentials in Harsham, Basirma, and Khanke Camps in Iraqi Kurdistan.

International Day of Charity and International Peace Day

This month two important events occurred: International Day of Charity and International Peace Day. The latter is an UN-sanctioned holiday with the purpose to recognize and encourage the efforts made all over the world to end conflict and promote peace. Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation strives to have an extensive role in the promotion of peace and harmony. For this reason, this year we have entered into a new partnership agreement with United Nations Peacekeepers and GDC to continue our efforts to support the people in conflict zones. The International Day of Charity was established to provide a platform for mobilizing individuals, NGO’s, and stakeholders all around the world to help others through volunteer and philanthropic activities. Therefore, this month we raised awareness on our social media platforms that being a humanitarian has been facilitated with the advancement of technology, and that everyone carries the ability to make an immediate difference from anywhere in the world.

In line with the spirit and meaning of these two International Days, we at Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation are happy to share that we carried out the distribution of school essentials in Harsham, Basirma, and Khanke Camps in Iraqi Kurdistan. In Khanke Camp, together with our partners, we provided 500 children with school bags, and distributed hygiene products, and winter essentials - such as clothes, jackets and warm blankets, while in Harsham and Basirma Camps we have successfully distributed over 1300 various school essentials and clothing for the children. We believe it is pivotal to facilitate and empower the children to continue and finish their education. The value of knowledge is crucial, as the lack of schooling would result in a generation of children present in IDP camps unable to gain skills to contribute to the potential they have through pursuing their dream professions as decision-makers in any type of context and bring hope to the future.

Meet our Team Members

Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation consists of a diverse team of skilled individuals, as they make it possible for us to expand our abilities and maintain the support we provide globally.

We would like you to better know the faces behind our organisation!

Zubiya  (22), of Pakistani-Canadian origins, has grown up in the Middle East and lived in Dubai for nearly 14 years. She just graduated from the University of Toronto with a degree in Global Health and Human Geography and, spent many of the last few years gaining experience in working with young children. She currently serves as Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation’s Program Officer in Education.

Why did you start at BHHF?

I have always wanted to work in the Humanitarian sector and I could not say no to working with a remarkable organisation to help better the lives of displaced children!

What made you passionate about Bringing Hope/ becoming a humanitarian?

I appreciate that being a humanitarian is to put humanity and empathy above all else (nationality, religion, class etc.) to improve the lives of people who have undeservedly been made vulnerable. To help people and help them take care of themselves is always something I have wanted to do with my life.

What makes the organisation itself different to you?

Definitely the people. It was really amazing for me to join a team and find out that everyone is so kind, passionate and driven.

This is an organisation with a heart and soul, and I really admire the drive and genuine care that every person has for the cause.

I am often reminded by my colleagues that we are here to do all we can to bring hope, quite literally, to people who may have lost it some time ago. I appreciate how willing everyone is to provide help and support, and I feel that our team is quite well connected despite being stretched across the world!

What has been a challenge for you working at Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation and how did you overcome it?

Probably managing my expectations and myself. I am very appreciative of the fact that I have the choice and freedom to develop the education project however I see it, and this comes with its own pros and cons. When I first started, I was trying to tackle large aspects of the program at once, and was trying to do everything as fast as possible to get the program off the ground ASAP. While I still am eager to launch the program quickly, I now am better aware of the processes and steps that must be taken first, properly and with intention, in order to make sure everything is developed as well as possible.

Katherine  (28), from Ticino, Switzerland, born in Honduras, has a Business Administration degree from the Swiss Professional Business School and a Specialization in Spanish Language from Galileo University. She has an extensive experience in digital marketing, and currently serves as Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation’s Brand Marketing Manager.

Why did you start at BHHF?

I found the founder's story very touching and motivating. I have always believed that in the face of adversity we must never lose hope. Anyone can help by bringing hope to people who need it most and we can all do great things and have a positive impact in the world. At Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation we are all very motivated and determined to help all human beings to have a better future.

What made you passionate about Bringing Hope/ becoming a humanitarian?

My personal motivation to make a difference in the lives of others nurtured my interest in becoming a humanitarian and I hope to use my broad skillset to bring a powerful and consistent brand identity to Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation and truly connect with people on a global scale.

What makes the organisation itself different to you?

On a daily basis, we stay focused on our mission, and we truly understand that our donors, volunteers and interns are a key part of it.

Their contributions make a difference in the world, and we keep them informed of progress and explain in measurable terms what their donations have accomplished. BHHF is also able to inspire the team, by constantly creating meaningful ways to build and sustain strong connection to the core values.

What has been a challenge for you working at Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation and how did you overcome it?

As a non-profit organisation, the number one roadblock is around budgetary constraints. We can face challenges in reaching our marketing and engagement goals, but this is consistent across non-profit organisations, regardless of size and profile. To overcome to this challenge, we are making Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation voice unique, we are focusing on a well-established branding and making the organisation stand out, increasing trust and loyalty among supporters.

Our Future Plans

Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation has established an informal partnership with Dubai Cares, an organisation that aims to ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning by 2030. Consequently, we are planning to engage in their EXPO2020 Pavilion activities to raise awareness on issues related to the rights and needs of refugees and IDPs.

We had a fruitful discussion with the International Office for Migration (UNIOM) and in the upcoming months we are hoping to connect to different UNIOM offices to explore the different ways we can streamline our work and collaborate on delivering aid and assistance in the MENA region.

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